Tuesday, June 01, 2004

i did what??

greatest hits from the loooong weekend. . . .

friday night i took ewa and gary to sushi at wasabi and ginger, and even got garym the staunch godzilla's fan (i'm a big fan too) that it was pretty damn good, even though it was a bit more expensive. that cost out weighed by the fact that it is three blocks from our house. . . the occasion was gary's departure to europe today for three months - part of his yearly migration. we had all just put away quite bit of sushi, beer, and saki, when a free round of the large sapporro bottles came to us from the owner. . . needless to say, we were feeling good on the way home.

saturday was a day full of unpacking and moving and sorting and whatnot. we got a lot accomplished and the place was finally taking shape. my old roommate jb was in town, and we met up with him at matterhorn which is this funky swiss fondue place on van ness. it was pretty damn good - i can eat damn near anything with melted cheese!!! i was fading fast after dinner, but made it out to club down at belding place for her friend wallace's b'day celebration. after a few drinks, we bowed out around midnight and headed home.

sunday was another working on the house day, although we did make it out to walk around a bit and enjoy the beautiful day. by late afternoon, the place was looking pretty damn good. we headed downtown to my cousins new restaurant on howard and second, where it was a friends and family event with an open bar. . . ouch. it was pretty tame for a while and the drinks were flowing, but as the night wore on, the second 'lounge' floor turned into an all out club party which was packed full of the beautiful people. at this point, i was quite a few martinis down with no dinner under my belt - ewa was close behind. . . i ended up putting her in a cab home since i was waiting for jb to come around, and then ended up heading home myself - i was blitzed, and woke up the next morning with a pounding headache, and the taste of vodka and olive juice in my mouth. . . always fun. i will say you need to check out the restaurant/club - it's called roe and its going to be a great spot . . .

monday started veeeeeery slow. . . we eventually kicked it into gear, got quite a few more things done around the house, and then had gary over for a farewell dinner of gnocchi and pizza, with the extra added bonus of watching the giants win ten in a row. . . .life is good, and so was the weekend. . .


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