Monday, May 24, 2004

moving on the brain . . .

well, it's done. . . well, about 95% done. i've moved - no longer will i be a resident of beautiful bush st - catherdral hill is no longer my home. i am now a memeber of the cow hollow community . . . this will be a big change for me. even though the two neighborhoods are only ten blocks away, they are very different . . .but i will adapt. . . it's pretty quiet though. . . a little too quiet.

saturday was the official moving day. we went to get the uhual, then ewa and i were joined by our helpers, gary and blaine. we actually got everything out pretty quickly, to my surprise. after a quick break for some cheesesteaks, we got everything unloaded. after our second trip to the goodwill, where 'willie' from the goodwill told us he couldn't take my old dresser, but if we went to a hotel on turk in the tenderloin next to the fried chicken shack, we could leave it there. . . how could we say no?

after a hard day od moving, we decided to go over to blaines for a bbq with gary in tow. we ate, we drank, and we ended up playing 'taboo' which became that much more fun when the wine caught up with ewa. . . she was great - my love was the life of the party. we were later joined by one of my clients, and we departed to north beach. after putting the fading ewa into a cab, we had a few drinks and parted ways.

sunday brought, besides a hangover, a thrashed apartment in need of unpacking. we spent the entire day on a variety of tasks, and with the help of my sister sarah and stepfather paul, got quite a bit done. we ended the evening on the couch, with a beer, some friends, gnocchi, and the season finale of the simpsons. . . they get the simpsons in cow hollow, so i guess i'll be ok.


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