Tuesday, March 09, 2004

off to the beach

the weekend in tahoe went off without any major hitches - the weather was gorgeous and the skiing was pretty good, but the in the end, the weather was the real winner. close to 70 degrees on saturday and sunday at the base and still arond 55-60 up top - you can't beat it. . . ewa and i took a free advanced lesson on how to ski moguls which is really one of the only skills still missing from out aresnal of ski talent! we learned quite few things, and with a little practice, i can see us mastering those moguls some time next season. . . i think.

after three days of skiing and getting in late sunday night, the 5am wake up for bootcamp was criminal, but ewa and i made it out there in the balmy morning air (for those of you not in san francisco, we are having an unusual but welcome warm spell) and fulfilled our boot camp duties. we made it out again this morning, and tomorrow respite will be much appreciated. . .

i'm heading to san diego this afternoon on a little bidness trip, looking forward to some nice warm beach weather - hopefully i can squeeze in some fun in the sun between meetings. . .


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