Saturday, March 13, 2004

fun in the sun

well, i survived my business trip to san diego . . . the weather was phenomenal of course, and we were very successful on the work side of things to. we ended having an incredible 'expense account' dinner in ja jolla at georges - we drank greag wine and had even better food (the foie gras was divine), then ended up drinking back at the hotel until way too late. . . thursday morning came way to quickly and very painfully . . .

i made it back to home thursday afternoon in one piece, and after my 2nd successful polish lesson, took it veeeerrry easy the rest of the night. i got to work from home on friday as did ewa and with the beautiful weather, it lent itself well to a nice lunchtime jog to cirssy field - ewa is still whooping my ass in the pace department, but i am slowly catching up . . . :) we had an early night, since ewa and her roommate were heading up to tahoe early this morning, and i headed out to the 9am bootcamp at baker beach. after a great workout, it has been a very quiet and relaxed day in the city - i met my mom in north beach where we sat out on columnbus and had a nice lunch. since then i have been sinning against nature and sitting around watching college basketball and doing a little cleaning. . . even though it is beautiful outside, it's been nice to relax.

tonight i'm having dinner with ewa's dad - he's flying into sf (he's a pilot for continental) and i'm a bit nervous - it's our first time spending time alone. . .he's a nice guy, so it should be fine. . . ok - i'm off to get clean and presentable and respectable (ok, i know that's pushing it. . .) for dinner tonight. . .


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