Tuesday, February 24, 2004

day 2

it's 10:30am and i've already been up for five hours, jogged two miles, ran up and down a bunch of stairs, and did some funky push-ups - what have you done!? ewa and i have enrolled in a pretty hard core boot camp, and by hard core, i mean i will be going 3 times a week at 6am and 9am on saurdays - sounds like fun. . . .

so far so good i must admit - i also must admit today was only day two and i'm having trouble walking. an old friend of mine, keith, from my first 'real job' is one of the founders, and after getting monthly emails from him to check it out, coupled with our strong desire to get out asses in gear, we bit the bullet and have started boot camp. . . if only someone could carry me to the bathroom. . . .

on a completly different note, i've been meaning to say some more about this whole same sex marriage issue, and hearing bush this morning push for a constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage got me all riled up. first of all, i think bush is an idiot, not just on this issue, but on both, and it just goes to show how completely out of touch some people can be. i must admit though, the biggest split i have seen is baby boomers and the gen x and gen y people. the people i've spoken too about this that are baby boomers seem to be in favor of the civil union and against the marriage, which to me is a stupid and unneccesary game of semantics. the people my age, the people tasked with leading the country very shortly down the road, seem to be in favor of the same sex marriage issue. but, i must admit, living in san francisco does skew my view, since most everyone supports anything to do with equality.

but not everyone, which was evident yesterday morning as a i drove by city hall, and one side people are lined up to be married, happy, laughing, taking pictures. across the street are three lone protesters, all holding signs, one being held by a girl no older than 16 that read, "GOD HATES FAGS." she was smiling and waving her sign, and i was dropping my jaw and shaking my head. but then i realized the people in line weren't fazed - it was their wedding day, nothing would ruin it, and while i felt bad for the poor misguided child, i held firm in my belief that the tide is slowly changing and that she is fast becoming the minority. . . i hope.


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