Thursday, December 11, 2003

what i was thinking - only better

once again, our fearless chronicle writer mark moford had laid it on the line in an open letter of sorts to the new mayor - he says what we are all thinking, only he writes better and finds much more interesting ways to refer to lube and leather and herb caen than i would. you can check out the full article here, but if you don't have the time, these few paragraphs that i poached sum it up niceley:

"So, above all, Mr. Mayor, whatever else you may think your job entails, your real gig is to polish and hone our fine and tarnished bubble every damn day. To make it stronger, bolder, funkier, shinier, a goddamn gleaming astrodome of bookstores and hot sex and gourmet chocolates and intelligent political discussion and organic vegetables. Let's get this straight, right now, from Day One.

Your job is to make our glorious gemlike screwed-up bubble more able to deflect the slings and arrows of outrageous homophobic conservatism, while still remaining pliable enough to allow a kaleidoscope of viewpoints and ideologies and dog parks and sexual positions and gay rights legislation and sake-tasting shops.

This is the real question, Mr. Mayor. Not merely how are you going to fix the troubling array of standard-issue socioeconomic and political woes of this fine city. Not merely how are you going to improve public transit and expand housing and pick up the garbage and plant more trees and get the homeless off the streets and create more parking spaces in the neighborhoods of certain columnists. Oh no.

But much more important, how will you enhance, and promote, and buff, and proudly represent this crazy whack amazing progressive hippie burned-out coffee-shopped idiosyncratic proudly atypical spiritually incendiary American bubble? You must ask yourself this question right now, and from every day hence. Now, get to work. "


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