Tuesday, November 18, 2003

a nice relaxing weekend

well. . . interesting would be one way to describe the weeken, and rather than trying to search for a more appropriate term, i'll dive right in.

friday - ewa came back from her adventures in delaware (those of you who remember the wayne's world quote are my new best friends) friday afternoon and after heading back to her place where i did a bit of work, we headed out to my eye doctors appointment where ewa helped me get some new frames, then headed down to union square for some shopping. at this point ewa had been up since 3am eastern time and i hadn't eaten all day. . . hmmm. . .nothing bad could happen here, could it??

we hit nordstroms, the kenneth cole store, fcuk, gap, baby gap, pink, nine west (where ewa got some hot new boots), and finally banana republic (where i got a new coat) - it was about 7:30 or so and i was cranky and ewa was cranky and we were headed for meltdown. this happened about 15 minutes later in the car on the way to sushi. i yelled at her, she got pissed at me, etc., etc., etc. - anyone who has ever been in a relationship knows the story - one of those arguments that never would have happened if you both hadn't been cranky and peaked in your crankiness at the same time. long story short, we made up, ate some sushi, then went to her house and crashed . . . so far, so good. . .

saturday - i should have known something was wrong when ewa slept in until 9:30am, which is about 2 hours past her usual wake up time. . .her and brigette (her roommate) were headed down to san jose for a dual wedding - one being conducted in a christian tradition and the other in the hindu tradition. it was a small ceremony, so i was only coming for the party at 4pm. so i did what any other man with a free saturday would do - i slept and watched college football . . . very nice.

i eventually made it down to san jose with michelle (a close friend of ewa and friend of the bride and groom) where after helping set up the reception, got to experience my first indian party. the majority of women were in sari's (including ewa, who was quite stunning in her pink sari. . . ) and was interesting to watch everyone interacting throughout the night. after a dinner that included the traditional indian fare, the dancing began, but ewa started feeling a bit under the weather (indigestion maybe?) and we headed back to the city. as we rode, ewa was more and more uncomfortable we ended up back at the house, and soon headed off to bed. . .the fun is just begining.

sunday - the day was to be spent hanging out with my little buddy rafael for the afternoon - dropping off ewa to pack at some point (as she leaves for three weeks - a week at work, a week in poland, a week back at work), then circling back solo for a good bye dinner and ride to the airport. we headed out for coffee and ewa was still feeling bad with pain on her left side and back that got worse and worse to the point that i convinced her to head to the emergency room at st. mary's (this is of course after i find out my grandfather is also in the hospital, haven fallen the previous day and breaking his shoulder). we get there - get her checked in, changed into a gown, and into a bed. i left to pick up rafael, whose plans with me changed from a day running around to a field trip to the hospital!! every kids dream! he lasted about two hours at the hospital, but while there found out ewa had a kidney stone and they doped her up somehting nice. . . .:)

i got rafael back to his home, got back to ewa and got her checked out of the er and feeling pretty good by 8pm. we headed back to her place, ate dinner and crashed out. obviously ewa was going nowhere sunday night, and even though she wanted to leave monday, i bitched enough to get her to stay until tuesday morning. . .ah what a weekend . . wait until i fill you in on monday. . . . .


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