Friday, November 14, 2003

for christ's sake. . .

another wild and wacky week is coming to a close, and except for work, work, and little bit or work, i really haven't done a whole hell of a lot. but it is friday, and i do have the pleasure or working from home today and ewa is coming back into town (picking her up in about 30 minutes) today and it is almost weekend, and dammit if i couldn't use a cocktail - it's five o'clock somewhere, yes?

on a different note, i was browsing through some old stuff today and rand across the website of my old friend and roommate jacob. i worked with him at fcb - he was a creative genius and put together one of the funniest spoof commercials i've ever seen (need to have quicktime installed to watch it) - check it out. salvation with a side of fries . . . ummmm.

ok - i'm off - time to pick up the beautiful polish girl from the airport and begin the weekend, sort of - will probably go to her house and work some more - but then, then, then, the weekend will begin - i have a feeling my liver is going to take a beating. . .


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