Friday, October 03, 2003

the week in review

hmm. . . i know my blogs have been lacking in the way of . . . well, substance to exact. but do you really want to hear about how i worked all day, then went to hang out with ewa, then went to bed?

of course i did more than that, but not enough for me to write about it all day. . . so here it is, my week in review. . .

i worked. a lot. everyday. that's what i did most of the time.

my roommates official b'day was on monday, so a group of us took him out to aux delices (which is really good) on polk for dinner, and then a few drinks at the royal oak (also on polk - also a good palce for drinks, put a bit pricey).

i did manage to listen to the giants games work - very incognito with my $20 radioshack am/fm radio - besides a few shouts and some fist pumping, i think it went unnoticed. . .

wednesday i cooked for ewa - i must say it was pretty damn good - and yes, i am tooting my own horn. we were eventually joined by her friend michelle, my roommate jb, and her roommate bridgette - we stayed up to late, drank to much wine, and smoked to many ciggarettes.

last night was a chill night - watched 'bowling for columbine,' which i enjoyed - especially for the honesty with which moore protrays his uber left leanings - may not agree with all his presumptions, but have to respect him for staying to true to his vision, and having a sense of humor about it. . .

and here we are today. . .it's friday - who know what the weekend has in store - actually i do, but i have to get back to work - i can't be sitting around blogging all day. . . .


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