Tuesday, October 21, 2003

people are strange

ok, ok, ok - a few people (gene, ewa, chris) have been on my ass about updating the blog - i guess when you are used to a daily dose of the comings and goings of brendan, not having that info at your fingertips makes your day incomplete. . . who knew. . .

so, i'll try to give everyone a quick update and make a concerted effort to update a little more often. . . .there, is everyone happy? if not you can email me with your gripes, and i will read them and promptly delete them.

hmm, now what should i tell you, well, as most of you know, i have entered relationship land and couldn't be happier. . . those of you who know about ewa, know about ewa - those of you who don't, well, you're not going to find all the details here - i find the whole blog format to be a bit impersonal for these sorts of things - you'll have to call, or better yet, met us for a drink. sufficive to say, she is great, i am happy, need i really say more?

i must say though (watch out, this may turn into a rant), that it is funny how different people react to their friends getting into relationships - especially the beginning "i'm spending every waking moment with the new person in my life" phase. my friends who are in relationships and who have been for a while sort of look at me, then at each other, smile, and say, ' i remember when we were like that.' they do it with fondness as well - they remember the time then there was no one else in their life they wanted to be with more, than that person. they also don't get pissed that you are in that phase - they don't get pissed that you don't hang out as much, because at some, that phase. . . well. . .is phased out. you are still lost in each others eyes, but you survive (barely) a night without each other, and are instead devoted to some friends whom you haven't seen a lot of lately, but who understand why, and know it's not personal, it's life. . .

then there are the others, those who are pissed - who on the outside are smiling and happy for you, but on the inside are pissed because suddenly, you aren't there as often, you don't have the time you used too - you choose to spend it with someone else, and some people don't understand why, and take it as a personal attack. i guess it all falls into the realm of short sightedness - the worst thing you can be in life is myopic and only looking at what is right in front of you. if you have never been in a relationship, then i understand the short sidedness, but if you have, then you know, and you can't be pissed, because whether we admit it or not, we've all done it, some to more degrees than others, but it doesn't matter. that is how the connection is made, that is how the discovery is made, that's how you know. . . and when you know, you know, because, well. . .you just know. . .

hmm. . . .that was a rant. . . oh well, it has been a while - thanks to jim m. for the title, the man was right.


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