Tuesday, September 09, 2003

leaving your mark

saying good-bye is always difficult, especially when it is to a person or situation that means so much to you. it was with a heavy heart yesterday that i let my young charges know that i would be leaving them in two weeks - they were not happy, and neither was i, but i feel it is the right thing to do for now - it is something i can always revist. after telling them all, we set a one night a week 'playdate' - basically once a week i'm going to go and hang out with them - i've grown pretty close to those kids over the past 9 months, and hopefully in ten years i'll know where they are, what they are doing, and what kind of young men they have become.

that being said, i've really gotten into my new job, learning the in's and out's as well as readjusting to the corporate world. i'm loving the company i work for and learning something new everyday about them that excites me even more. i can already tell this is going to be a balls to the wall, high stress environment - i dig it - i'm a big fan of working hard and playing hard - it's what keeps me sane.

staying sane is a good thing, right? stayed sane tonight by going to see my friend willo, listening to some tunes, talking about life, and having a killer cup of tea - what better way to end a tuesday in the city?


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