Saturday, August 30, 2003

no luck

well, yesterdays fishing expedition ended with nada - no one damn fish!! it was a good time though, apart from some technical difficulties, like my line snapping as i was in full cast mode - i watched the cast fly and fly and fly, and thought, 'damn i'm good!' then i looked up and saw that it wasn't attached - jesus! but, i am prepared for the next time - i made friends with the park ranger on the way out and he told me rubber worms are the answer - so simple . .

spent the evening knocking a few (to many) with my roommate and watching a movie. spent all day today at golden gate park with my sister sarah - we went on a nice little bike ride so she could test her new wheels- rode down to the beach and checked out a competitive kite flying contest - very, very cool - the stuff they make those kites do is amazing. spent the rest of the day lazing around my parents house - just shooting the shit with my mom. shared a meal with them and just relaxed - ah, very nice.

now i'm off - meeting a friend for a spot of tea - i'm a wild saturday night animal!!


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