Monday, August 25, 2003

i'm baaaack!!!

suddenly it's been 5 day since i've posted a blog! i be sorry, i be sorry - it has been a long 5 days, with much goings on - mostly family stuff i won't get into. . .thanks to those who have been keeping tabs on me, seeing how i'm doing - you know you who are, and i appreciate all of you more than you know!!

not to much going on otherwise - had a rockin' interview last friday and a second interview with three other folks at the same company today - awesome company, awesome job, i will say no more, don't want to jinx it - i'll keep everyone posted . . .

went to the zoo with my sister sarah on saturday - hadn't been for a while - i love the zoo!! got to see the new lion cubs - they're really cute looking, but just big enough to still look like they could do some damage!

what else, hmmm - ah, i went and saw 'open range', which was pretty good - i'm a big fan of westerns, but i still think 'unforgiven' is the best western to come out in the past 15 years or so, and of course nothing compares to the best western ever, 'once upon a time in the west', which i of course own - anyone up for a movie night?

i guess that is the short, sweet, and condensed version - now that i'm back in the fold, i'll try to keep up on things a bit better - lucky for everyone who just can't get enough of my misadventures!


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