Friday, August 15, 2003

i have a question?

this whole blackout situation is incredible - hard to believe that all that energy flows through one place. really shows you hove delicate our infrastructure is and how reliant we are on electricity. i was glued to the coverage for a bit last night, and i have to say that the people in the media are getting less and less intelligent as each day passes. i know the important role they play in society and the service they provide, and i'm all for very broad 1st amendment rights, but i am very much against stupidity. i was watching a news conference with mayor bloomberg and i wanted to pull my hair out:

mayor: "the blackout was not caused by terrorists, there was a breakdown in niagra."
reporter: "i heard a rumor that this was caused by terrorists, is this true?"
mayor: "the blackout was not caused by terrorists, there was a breakdown in niagra."
reporter: "there are some reports that al-queda was involved, is there any truth to that?"
mayor: "the blackout was not caused by terrorists, there was a breakdown in niagra."
reporter: "i heard from a source that this caused by 12 midgets from canada that broke into the power station, is this true?"
mayor: "the blackout was not caused by terrorists, there was a breakdown in niagra."

it was amazing - i couldn't believe it. it reminds me of when i was in advertising, and learned the long and drawn out process that takes place between coming up with a concept and then actually seeing the ad on tv. knowing how the long the process is, i'd see crappy ads on tv and think, if this i what they are showing, i wonder what didn't make it. the same holds true with these reporters - if these are the guys that are asking the questions, what kind of idiot is running the show?

oh well, all become good last night when i got to watch 'supertroopers' for the hundreth time. it is hilarious! it was one of those films that was in the theater for 3 days and that when the trailer came on, we all joked about how awful it would be. i'm the first to admit, i was wrong. it's one of the funniest movies i've ever seen - the best part is that all the actors are part of the same comedy troupe called broken lizard, so there timing is right on - it's a must see.


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