Thursday, August 14, 2003

ever want to dance a mean polka?

i live across the street from this cool little cathedral which of course has a huge community room, and every thursday there is a mass migration of elderly asian couples to the community room. then, the fun begins, and by fun i mean the great polka sound streaming out of the cathedral, through the window, and into my ears - ah, who doesn't love a good polka?

i had a great lunch today with two of my old buds from finebrand, willo and lizzie (willo and i have actually become buds post finebrand, and have a mean hike planned for the weekend). it was good to cruise down to the old workplace and have lunch at the jolt 'n bolt (us regulars call it the j&b). as usual the food was excellent and the company was even better. lizzie is five months pregnant and looks awesome - that office is like a baby factory! i only worked there for 3 months, and by the time i left, there were three pregnant women, when there had only been one at the begining. htat might not sound like a big deal, except that there are only 6 women in the office! those of you close to me know this has been a bit of rough week for me - my dad is going through some things i would wish upon no man, so hooking up with some good people for a nice lunch did the trick!

well, i am now listening to the happy birthday polka - i think it's time to move to another room!


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