Monday, August 11, 2003


well, i have been quite lax keeping up with things these past few days - actually, check out yesterdays doonesbury - that should help explain it. . .

my weekend consisted of me drinking to much, which i hadn't done in a while, and now realize why - my body hurts!!! went to all the usual spots, saw all the usual people, spent to much money, blah, blah, blah. . . :)

did get a chance to go check out a cool film with my step-father yesterday - we checked out '28 days later,' which not for the faint of heart or week of stomach. i really enjoyed it though - it has some pretty intense and pretty scary scenes - as paul said after the fact, 'well that was a weird movie.' i definitely reccomend it though, and fyi, they show an alternate ending (which apparently was the original ending) after the credits are done rolling.

on a random note - i've got it into my head the past days that it might be time for me to take a break from san francisco for a little while. who knows how serious i really, or whether it's just a phase, but i've been having the strangest urge to move to hawaii. hmmm. . . this urge lessened a but today when i was checking out jobs in oahu - and i thought it was bad here?! stay tuned . .


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