Saturday, August 02, 2003

done and done

the 24/7 childcare spree is almost at an end - 4 1/2 hours to go, then it is home for a very, very stiff drink. i make it seem worse than it is - the little guy i've been tending to is actually a neat kid, as are most kids - he's quick on the uptake, has a smart mouth (which i chastize hime him for but secretly respect), and doesn't take shit from anyone - what's not to love?

yesterday i dragged my sister and him out for a combined hike and goecaching adventure. we headed up to mt. tam and hiked for a few hours. the kids bitched and moan throughout, and i actually caught myself turning around and saying, "when i was your age. . . " i then stopped, slapped myself in the face, and kept on hiking. the quip of thje day actaully came from sarah who said, "at least on the oregon trail they had wagons!" damn straight, that's my sister - if anyone can turn her into the smartass my mother has been trying to quash, i can.

today was some more geocaching, but this time in the city - went to some great spots and the weather was great all over town. it's really a great activity to do in general, but kids seem to love it - who wouldn't love being a modern day explorer?

i will say that i am looking forward to tomorrow, where i will do absolutely nothing. . . well, not totally true, i am planning on watching the giants, doing the crossword, and taking a nap - that's something i guess.


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