Wednesday, August 27, 2003

camp brendan

these past few days have been so much fun, as well as extremely exhausting - this is the last week of 'camp brendan' for the kids i've been taking care of this summer. school starts next week, so this is the last week of fun for them, and for me - i'm just a big kid. yesterday we took our daily trip to the children's playground at golden gate park - such a cool place - i still love going on the huge concrete slides. in the afternoon we headed out to the marina green and did some serious kite flying - it was great - i don't remember the last time i flew a kite, but i will surely not forget this time.

today we hit the playground again today, and then went out the hyde st. pier and went on all the old bats there - the favorite being the eureka ferry since it was full of old cars and had two huge engines with cool looking gears and stuff. buys will be boys, and i was ohhing and ahhing with the best of 'em.

tomorrow we're going fishing in marin - got to give those kids a great week before school starts.

by the way, i'm sure everyone saw the latest installment of the 'o.c.' last night - for those of you who missed it, you missed another incredible television event and i feel sorry for you. . . for those of you who did see it, well, i need not explain myself - there is an unwritten communication that flows between the 'o.c' faithful. . . :)

well, it's time to turn in - got to have energy for fishing tomorrow, and i'm going to catch a big one, and if not, i'll still tell you that i did!


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