Thursday, July 10, 2003

there goes the sun

another beautiful day in the city - we were looking forward to a mini-heat wave that never came, but i guess i really can't complain to much about 65 degrees and sunny.

so today was th big day when my replacement phone was to arrive - i slept in a bit - until 9:05 am to find out the ups guy had come at 9:02 am and i hadn't heard the bell - the day actually turned out pretty well after that - i was very sure after the miss this morning that it was going to be a crap day, but was presently surprised. the highlight being my boss treating me to some tickets for a giants game - can't complain about that.

also, i'm almost done putting all the pictures from the 4th up - i have a few of them up, but they are a bit big in the file size department, so i need to fiddle aorund before i get them all squared away - if you want to check out the ones i have up, you can go here and check them out - i'm hoping to it all worked out the rest of the pictures up soon. enjoy!!


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