Tuesday, July 29, 2003

big storms and baseball

sometimes you forget how much boys like things that blow up and sink and what not. currently they are fascinated by the discovery channels 'storm warning.' and since they are good sf boys, they are also eagerly awaiting the giants game at 5 (as am i). so the rest of the day is smooth sailing.

random observation - is anyone as scared of christopher lowell as i am? i mean for gods sake - not only is he just annoying as hell, but he has the worst decorating taste i have ever seen in the world. apparently he has a massive following - if you are on of them, may god have mercy on your soul. . . :) but of course, everything evens out in the end, because the sci-fi channel has decided it is finally time to start showing 'buck rogers' again - by todays standards of course, it doesn't compete, but as a blast from the past it works, as well as all the glamour shots of erin grey - the first space captain to wear heels.


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